Tuesday, September 29, 2015

definitions 9/29/15

epic poem: long narrative poem that is usually about heroic deeds and events that are significant to the culture of the poet.

epic hero: brave, noble character in an epic poem, admired for great achievements or affected by grand events.

kenning: metaphorical phrase that takes the place of a noun or a name.

caesura: a pause in the middle of a line of poetry. usually indicated by a comma, semicolon, period, or dash.

alliteration: the repetion of consonant sounds at the beginning of words. can emphasize ideas or produce a sound effect.

Monday, September 28, 2015


I agree with this quote. This quote basically means that if the light is really bright it will most likely go out out sooner than if it were to perserve light. It is like running 5 miles, if you sprint the first mile then on the other miles you will be way more tired because you did not pace yourself. I like this quote because a lot of people can compare it to real- life experiences.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

root words

photo: light or to shine. ex- photograph, photogenic, photon.
port: carry or moving from one place to another. ex- export, disport, portable.
qui[t]: quiet, rest or to stop. ex- acquit, quitting, aquitted.
scrib/ script: write or to have written. ex- ascribe, describe, prescribe.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

more root words

omni: all or every. examples- omnify, omnibus, omnigraph.
path: feeling. examples- antipathic, sympathy, pathology.
mis/mit: to send. examples- missile, transmit, emit.
phil: love. examples- philanthropist, philatelist, philadelphy.
phon: sound. examples- phone, microphone, symphony.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

root words

jur/jus: law. examples- justice, jury,justification, adjustment.
log/logue:expand. examples-login, logical, logistics, logician.
luc::light. examples-elucid, circumlucid, antelucan.
man/manu: by hand. examples-manual, manicure, manufacture.
mand/mend: to commit, order. examples- command, mandator, demand.

Friday, September 18, 2015

root word 9/18/15

dict- say or declare. example: dictator, addiction, dictation
gen-birth or kind. examples: agency, agent, allergen.
geo-earth. examples: geobios, geochemistry, geochronic.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

9/17/15 root words

Bene is a root word and it means well or good.example: benefit, beneath, benedict.
Bio is a root word that means life. example: biology,biography, biologist.
Chrono is a root word and it means time.example: chronological, chronology, chronologer

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My name is clarisse castillo. i play basketball and i love animals. I love to watch t.v. and be lazy.
After I graduate I play to take my basics at College Of The Mainland and I plan to transfer to another college close by. I am not sure what i want my future career to be but i do take an interest in nursing.
     5 key points that i would like to work on in my essay is punctuation, transitional words, grammar, spelling, and action words.