Friday, October 30, 2015


ELOCUTION: the skill of clear and expressive speech, especially of distinct pronunciation and articulation.
ANTONYM: quiet, silence. SYNONYM: diction, reading.
EXAMPLE: The speaker spoke with an elocutive tone that was compelling. 

Thursday, October 29, 2015

ABLUTION: Impression that firmly maintained despite being contradicted by what is generally accepted as reality or rational argument, typically a symptom of mental disorder.
ANTONYM: dirtying, not bathing. SYNONYM: cleansing, bathing.
EXAMPLE: Billy washes his hands before he eats, so that his hands can be clean.
Image result for ablution images

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


EDIFICATION: the instruction or improvement of a person morally or intellectually.
SYNONYM: education, or instruction. ANTONYM: destruction or ignorance.
EXAMPLE: This edification triangle shows the cycle of consisting of trust, respect, and edify.

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


ATTRITION: The action or process of gradually reducing the strength or effectiveness of someone or something through sustained attack or pressure.
SYNONYM:friction, erosion. ANTONYM: happiness, strengthening. 
EXAMPLE: The fish jumped out of the water due to attrition of the other fish.

Monday, October 26, 2015

canterbury tales pre - reading activity

1) 1, I do think the greed is the root of all evil because it is true. When someone is being greedy there is nothing positive that comes out of it. This is why greed is the root of all evil.
2) 3, I think that its a 50% chance that power corrupts everyone who has it. Some people that have power use it in a good way. There is also a possible chance that a person might use their power in a bad way.
3) 3, dreams may be predictors of the future but if you do not work hard for it then it may not be your future. It may be your future if you work hard for it. that is why dreams may or may not be predictors of your future.
4) 3, I feel as if you are immoral you might know that you are immoral. You might also not know if you are immoral just because you might be clueless or just not care. This is why I say its a 3.
5) 5, I think its is false because even if you are educated you might still be a mean or careless person. I do not think that it matters if you are educated or not. People that have no education still know how to be caring.
6) 5, No i do not think society needs to be divide in order to work properly. It is a false sentence because a society can be all mixed up and still  work as if it was organized. This is why that it is a false statement.
7) 3, I think that it might be a good thing but also not the best choice. It might be a good thing because you would seem like the bigger person which is a good thing. It would be a bad choice because if that person actually hurt you and you can not get over it them you may need to tell someone else.
8) 3, it may or may not be a good thing to honor that agreement. It may be a good idea because you would be an honorable person if you did honor it. If you did not honor it also might be a good decision espicially if it was going to hurt someones feelings. That is why it is sometimes false and also true at the same time.
9) 5, this is a false statement because it would not be fair to let woman have all power in a relationship. This would not be fair to the man and he might get upset. I think relationships have to have power from both female and male in order for it to work out. That is why this statement is false.


PIOUS: devoutly religious.
ANTONYM: irreligious, atheist. SYNONYM: spiritual, holy.
EXAMPLE: The woman was pious as she was praying the rosary. 
Image result for pious person

Thursday, October 22, 2015

GREGARIOUS: fond of company or sociable.
ANTONYM: shy, or quiet. SYNONYM: outgoing, loud.
The group of gregarious friends were talking about the party tomorrow.
Image result for gregarious people

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


Onerous: involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome. 
ANTONYM: easy, effortless. SYNONYM: difficult, laborious. 
Paying school bills for college was onerous for Danny this year.
Image result for onerous

Monday, October 19, 2015


ABROGATE: Repeal or do away with.
SYNONYM: veto, demolish. ANTONYM: to keep, or to create.
EXAMPLE: The president abrogated the contract about the constitution. 

Friday, October 9, 2015

learning log

1. What are the main ideas/themes of Beowulf?
The main idea of Beowulf is that he is a Beowulf is a epic hero who defeats the evil monsters in the poem,and tries to create peace. Beowulf always wanted to do the right thing.
2. What did you understand best about it?
The part that I understood best was that Beowulf was a very brave hero who tried his hardest at everything that he achieved and was always wanting to achieve more. When he defeated Grendel with the help of Wiglaf it showed that he has had a positive effect on Wiglaf by showing him not to back down.
3. What did you understand least about it?
The part that I was not understanding is why did Beowulf not fight with armour when fighting with Grendel. Another part of the story that I did not understand was when Beowulf went to Grendel's mothers home alone to kill her.
4. How did the ideas relate to what you already knew about Anglo Saxon England?
These ideas match up to what I already knew about Anglo Saxon England because I already knew the setting of the poem. Another thing that i knew prior to reading the poem was that Beowulf was a good guy in the story and that he was brave and mighty.
OFFICIOUS: assertive of authiorty in an annoyingly domineering way, especially with regard to petty or trivial matters.
SYNONYMS: self assertive, opinionated. ANTONYMS: modest, timid,shy.
EXAMPLE: Fred was officious in ordering Tom to do what he needed to get done.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

VORACIOUS: wanting or devouring great quantities of food.
SYNONYMS: compulsive, greedy. ANTONYMS: giving, satisfied.
EXAMPLE: The shark ate the fish voraciously.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

SURREPTITIOUS: Done or made by stealth.
SYNONYMS: finished, completed. ANTONYMS: not completed, unfinished. 
EXAMPLE: Sally completed the test surreptitously while listening to music.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

If Beowulf was written by Grendel I think the story would have had a very different outcome than it did with Beowulf as the protagonist.Grendel was a very mean and selfish person who was scared of everyone but Beowulf. In the part of the story about the battle with Grendel I think that if Grendel was writing the passage he might have changed the part in the story where Beowulf beat him up. He might have said that he himself defeated the great Beowulf.He would have left that part out because he would be embarrassed if people knew the truth about what happened between them two. He also might have said that he killed Beowulf instead of Beowulf killing him. I also think that he would have left out the part that Beowulf killed his mother. He would have definitely left the part out where it talks about the mom battling Beowulf because he probably wouldn't want his mother fighting Beowulf. Grendel would have also left out the part where Beowulf steps in for the Danes in order to be kept safe. Grendel would have left in the part where he killed the Danes when they were in the mead hall asleep. This is what i think Grendel would have done if he was the protagonist.

cwod tenacious

Tenacious: tending to keep hold of something.
SYNONYMS: forceful, stubborn. ANTONYMS: loose, passive.
EXAMPLE: The dog was Tenacious about giving his bone up.
Image result for tenacious

Monday, October 5, 2015

Copious: abundant in supply or quantity.
SYNONYMS- full,galore,  ANTONYMS- empty, shortage of.
EXAMPLE- There was a Copious amount of information in the article. 

Thursday, October 1, 2015

College word of the day 10/1/15

                                                            Training: the action of teacher a person or animal a type of skill.
Synonyms: coaching and education.                     Antonyms: de condition , mislead.

The woman was training the dog on how to sit, stay, and roll over. 

root words 10/1/15

sens- sent: feeling. examples: commonsensible, desensitize, dissension.
tele: sound. examples: dateless, platelet, pretelevision.
terr: territory, territorial, terrace.
vac: to empty. examples: vacant, vacancy, vacation.
vid-vis: to see. examples: video, visa, vision.