Monday, December 14, 2015


BLASPHEMY: the act or offense sacreligiously about god or sacred things.
SYNONYMS: heresy, abuse. ANTONYMS: respect, religion.
EXAMPLE: This man is called for blasphemy.

Wednesday, December 9, 2015


TERSE: sparing in the use of words.
ANTONYMS: gentle, kind. SYNONYMS: abrupt, concise.
EXAMPLE: Sally was being terse with Tommy after school on Tuesday.

Monday, December 7, 2015


ABDOMEN: part of the body of the vertebrae containing the digestive organs.
ANTONYMS: there arent any. SYNONYMS: gut, belly.
EXAMPLE: The abdomen is located at the bottom part of the stomach.

Friday, December 4, 2015


 ASCRIBE: attribute something to ( a cause) 
ANTONYMS: mistrust, not buy. SYNONYMS: refer, defer.
EXAMPLE: The teacher ascribed the instructions for the students.

Thursday, December 3, 2015

Essay responses

In the pardoners tale the moral of the story is that riches is the root of all evil. This means that usually when people get money they will take advantage of it and want more and more. After they get so much of it and have a higher status in society they will not care as much as to what they have to do to get it which is sad. The pardoner has qualities of being greedy , not nice, a liar, con man, and a thief which makes the contrast between the moral of the story and his personality. The pardoner is willing to take in as much money as he can but is never willing to give people money back. I strongly agree with the message of this tale. I agree so strongly with it because I believe that riches is the root of all evil. It is true because there are so many people out there that will do anything and everything to get what they want which is wrong. Another reason I agreed with the moral of this story is because people get jealous easily which is not a good thing so therefore people do crazy selfish things to get money or whatever they need. I also agree with the moral of the story because it has so much to do with our world today. I see people all the time just spending money and wanting even more return

   In the wife of bath the tale the lady was known to be a better person towards the end of the story. The wife of bath thinks that men should be bosses around be.  She thinks that women should have all the power which is not true at all. Back then the women actually had rights to talk and have a conversation juat as normal people. I do not agree with the moral of this story. I do not agree with the moral of this story because it is not always true. It is not always true because of the fact thatwomen should always boss men around all the time. Another reason why I disagreed with the moral of the story because it is not fair for the women to boss the men around like little puppy dogs. The wife of bath decides to be a noble person and do what is right because she knows what is right in the end of the story. The wife of bath is described as an old hag. At the end of the tale the wife of bath she becomes pretty again. That was a contrast between her personality and the actual picture. I also agree with the moral of the story being its not about what status you have its about how noble you are to yourself and other people around you at all times


EMBROIL: involve deeply in an argument, conflict, or difficult situation.
ANTONYMS: exclude, freed. SYNONYMS: implicate, involve.
EXAMPLE: The couple were in a embroil about christmas shopping next weekend.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


NULLIFY: make legally null and void.
ANTONYM: allow, approve. SYNONYM: veto, void.
EXAMPLE: Thomas Jefferson agrees with the nullification process.

Tuesday, December 1, 2015


METE: dispense or allot justice, a punishment, or harsh treatment.
ANTONYMS: collect, combine. SYNONYMS: divide, give.
EXAMPLE: The teacher meted the student for talking while she was talking so she gave him a detention.