Monday, November 30, 2015


CAVALIER: a supporter of king charles in the english civil war.
antonyms: shy, humble. synonyms: offhand, superior.
example: This man was a cavalier a long time ago.

Friday, November 20, 2015


1.) only male turkeys gobble. It is interesting because i thought all turkeys goobled.
2.) Turkeys are doomed from birth: it is interesting because i did not know a 12 week old turkey was called a fryer-roaster.
3.) Born in the US is interesting fact because even Canada celebrates Thanksgiving but they do it on the second Monday of October.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

dramatic and situatonal irony

Dramatic irony: expression of ones meaning by using a language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous for empathetic effect.
Situational irony: when incongruity appears between expectations of something to happen, and what actually happens instead.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015


KISMET: destiny, fate.
ANTONYMS: whole. SYNONYMS: karma, chance.
EXAMPLE: The kismet is isin the viewers hands.
Image result for define kismet

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


AMBIVILANT: having mixed feelings or ideas about something or someone.
ANTONYMS: certain, clear. SYNONYMS: mixed unsure.
EXAMPLE: The boy was ambivilant about what ice cream he was going to eat at lunch on Tuesday.
 Image result for ambivalent

Monday, November 16, 2015


INADVERTENT: not resulting or achieved through deliberate planning.
ANTONYMS: careful, cautious. SYNONYMS: careless, reckless.
EXAMPLE: Mr. Smith inadvertently slipped on a banana peel this afternoon after lunch.
Image result for inadvertent

Friday, November 13, 2015


WANTON: deliberate or unprovoked.
ANTONYMS: good, moral. SYNONYM: outrageous, shameless.
EXAMPLE: He wantonly yelled at the other man for talking back.

Thursday, November 12, 2015


CARRION: The decaying of flesh from a dead animal.
ANTONYM: alive, moving. SYNONYM: remains, corpse.
EXAMPLE: The carrion was in the middle of the field yesterday afternoon.
Image result for carrion

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


PEDESTRIAN: A person walking along a road or in a developed area.
ANTONYMS: unusual, uncommon. SYNONYMS: boring, flat.
EXAMPLE: The pedestrians were walking on the road on their way to the theater last week.
Image result for pedestrian

Tuesday, November 10, 2015


WRITHE: make continual twisting, squirming, movements or contortions of the body.
ANTONYMS: straighten, be still. SYNONYMS: wiggle, bend.
EXAMPLE: The wires writhed when Sally was trying to move them in her class yesterday.
 Image result for writhe meaning

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Minimus:  the innermost of the three muscles in each buttock that arises from the outer surface of the ilium, that is inserted into the greater trochanter of the femur, and that acts similarly to the gluteus medius.

Aglet: metal or plastic tube fixed tightly around each end of a shoelace.

Griffonage: careless handwriting.

Tines: A prong or sharp point, such as that on a fork or another.

Natiform: resembling the buttocks.

Glabella: the smooth part of the forehead above and between the eyebrows.

Rasceta: transverse creases of the skin on the palmar surface of the wrist.

Lunule: a crescent-shaped or oval part or marking, in particular.

Philtrum: the vertical groove between the base of the nose and the border of the upper lip.

Obelus: a symbol used as a referense mark in printed matter, or to indicate that a person is deceased.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

prologue scanning

The Knight: most distinguished man.
The Squire: fine and young.
The Yeoman: courteous, and lowly.
The Nun: prioress, smile.
The Monk: fine, sort.
The Friar: wanton, marry.
The Merchant: forking beard, motley dress.
The Oxford Cleric: hollow look, sober stare.
The Sergeant-at-law: wary, wise.
The Franklin: white beard, benign.
The Guildsman: trim, fresh.
The Cook: alone, queen.
The Skipper: tan, excellent fellow.
The Doctor: grounded, patient.
The Wife of Bath: deaf, pity.
The Parson: poor, holy-minded.
The Plowman: good worker, honest.
The Miller: chap, stout.
The manciple: precise, never rash.
The Reeve: vintage, excellent.
The Summoner: carbuniculs, crazy.
The Pardoner: singer, beardless.
The Narrator: gregarious, naive.
The Host: loud, large.

mentor sentences

MENTOR SENTENCES - Write an original sentence that uses the same pattern, or structure, as each mentor sentence below.  Copy and paste into your blog ... THEN write your own student sentences.

Mentor Sentence - Celia thinks you are in shock, but I think you are just angry
Student Sentence - Coach Davis thinks you are sleeping, but I think you were just resting your eyes.


Mentor Sentence - You can pick your friends, but you're stuck with your family.
Student Sentence -You can pick your dog, but you are stuck with its attitude.

Mentor Sentence - He could be courteous and helpful on the surface, but you neven knew what was going on underneath.
Student Sentence -she seems like an angel, but she is a cold- hearted devil.

Mentor Sentence - Every day was a happy day and every night was peaceful.
Student Sentence - The days were gloomy and the nights were unsetteling.