Tuesday, November 3, 2015

prologue scanning

The Knight: most distinguished man.
The Squire: fine and young.
The Yeoman: courteous, and lowly.
The Nun: prioress, smile.
The Monk: fine, sort.
The Friar: wanton, marry.
The Merchant: forking beard, motley dress.
The Oxford Cleric: hollow look, sober stare.
The Sergeant-at-law: wary, wise.
The Franklin: white beard, benign.
The Guildsman: trim, fresh.
The Cook: alone, queen.
The Skipper: tan, excellent fellow.
The Doctor: grounded, patient.
The Wife of Bath: deaf, pity.
The Parson: poor, holy-minded.
The Plowman: good worker, honest.
The Miller: chap, stout.
The manciple: precise, never rash.
The Reeve: vintage, excellent.
The Summoner: carbuniculs, crazy.
The Pardoner: singer, beardless.
The Narrator: gregarious, naive.
The Host: loud, large.

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